Setting Yourself Up for 2022: Spine Alignment

With a new year comes new goals, intentions, resolutions, and so on. 

This year at Restore Health Longevity Center, Dr. Gray and her team are focusing on bringing it back to basics! As much as we wish there was, there isn’t a magic pill or program that will crack the code to live a long and healthy life. Instead, it takes hard work, dedication, and making health a part of your everyday routine and not something that you can achieve or cross off a to do list.

Each month we’ll be covering one of the many “basics” that you can conquer in your day to day to maximize your health and longevity. To get started we’re covering spine alignment! 

The Importance of Spine Alignment 

First and foremost, let’s get things straight! More specifically, your spine alignment. 

The way the bones fit in relation to one another and to the whole body form is referred to as alignment. Think beyond just good posture when it comes to alignment as well, because if your spine is properly aligned, it means that your head, shoulders, back, hips, knees, and feet are also in alignment!

Being in alignment is more than just your musculoskeletal system working better as well. It also allows your nervous system to function optimally too. At a base level, your nervous system is what allows your body to eat, move, walk, talk, think. It controls your heart beating, eyes blinking, pain, sensation. Your immune system function is connected to an optimal functioning nervous system and your nervous system controls your body’s perception of where you are in space versus where you actually are and that is calibrated by being in the correct alignment- it’s all connected!

Symptoms Your Body is Out of Alignment

Possible signs that your spine is out of alignment include:

  • chronic headaches
  • lower back pain
  • neck pain
  • knee pain
  • hip pain
  • frequent illnesses
  • excessive fatigue
  • numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
  • one shoe that wears out before the other, due to walking abnormalities

If these signs/symptoms of spine misalignment are ignored, they can lead to much larger and long-term issues such as:

  • chronic pain
  • joint stiffness
  • slouched posture
  • sciatica
  • respiratory issues
  • reduced range of motion
  • decreased mobility
  • discomfort when sitting, standing, and laying down
  • permanent joint and bone deformities
  • broken bones, especially in the spine

Spine Alignment Solutions

Based on the level of pain or discomfort you may be experiencing, or if you’re just trying to take small steps to stay aligned, there are a number of different treatment options. 

For just getting started and making conscious choices to stay aligned, try incorporating stretching, walking, and yoga into your daily routine. 

By just getting up and walking throughout the day you can help alleviate unwanted back pain that comes with sitting all day– especially in an office setting Dr. Gray recommends getting up and moving every 30-45 minutes. If you’re able to, even swap out your desk chair for a stability ball. Using a stability ball as a chair can help reinforce spinal alignment as well as strengthen your core muscles.

If your spine alignment needs more attention, it’s a great idea to visit a chiropractor, such as Dr. Gray, who is an expert in the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, including the spine. If needed, she will be able to carefully perform spinal adjustments which are able to relieve pain and reduce inflammation throughout your body.

The key to spine alignment is preventative care. Just as you take your car in for routine services or visit the dentist biannually, think of chiropractic care the same way. Don’t wait for something to go wrong or begin to hurt, begin taking care of your spine today for a pain-free tomorrow. 

Learn more about Restore and Dr. Gray’s approach to chiropractic care here.

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