PEMF Therapy

PEMF Therapy

What You Need to Know About Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field(PEMF) therapy uses low frequency electromagnetic waves to work on a cellular level to repair, re-energize, and detoxify damaged cells within the body. Specific to pain management, as cells in our body experience damage or trauma from acute or chronic injury, each cell loses Ademosine Triphosphate (ATP), or cellular energy, and is not able to function on a level where it is able to repair a cell’s own damage. PEMF works to restore your natural and optimal cellular function caused from chronic or acute pain, fatigue, or inflammation, by increasing ATP production up to 500% thus providing our body with the ability to repair and renew itself again.

Perhaps the easiest way to understand PEMF is to think in terms of each cell in your body as if it were a little battery. Like with any battery, sometimes your cells become tired and worn, whether due to age, stress, overuse, or damage, making it more difficult for them to fight off any type of potentially damaging force or illness.

How it Can Help


Alzheimer’s, Arthritis, Arterial insufficiency, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Bone Fractures, Bronchitis, Burns, Cancer, Cartilage/Soft tissue Healing, Chronic Fatigue, Depression Edema Elbow Pain Facial Nerve Neuropathy/Paralysis Fibromyalgia Frozen/Locked joints Neuropathy Headaches Heart Disease, Hypertension, Hepatitis, Insomnia, Joint Pain, Joint disease, Kidney Failure/ Inflammation/Stones, Spinal Cord Injury, Muscle Rehabilitation, Nerve Regeneration, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscle Injury, Migraine, Muscular Dystrophy, Nerve damage, Osteoporosis, Optic Nerve Atrophy, Parkinson’s, Peripheral neuropathy, Post herpetic neuralgia, Spinal pain, Sprains, Sexual dysfunction, Shingles, Ulcers, Urinary Inflammation, Trauma,Rheumatoid Arthritis, Knee Pain, Neck Pain, Venous insufficiency, Wound healing, Zoster

pemf therapy

PEMF Therapy FAQs

Sessions with the PEMF unit last approximately 15 minutes though can vary depending on the client’s needs.
It should never feel painful. It can actually feel good and promote short-term relaxation. A mild electric-like pulsation is felt over the area being treated and the intensity can always be adjusted for individual comfort.
It’s common to experience positive results after using PEMF therapy just one time, but not everyone responds quickly. More treatments are needed if the condition you’re treating is chronic or the injury severe.
Workout clothing is fine, but you must remove all metal jewelry, cell phones, electronics, key fobs, credit cards, and anything with a magnetic strip. Also, PEMF should not be performed in a metal chair.
You don’t need to be ill or injured to benefit from PEMF therapy.

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