“I do.” That was the statement from Tiger Woods last Tuesday. I do think I can win. I do think I can compete. Whether you are a golfer and a golf fan like I am, or not, we can all be inspired by Tiger Woods’s return to competitive golf. 14 months ago, Tiger was in danger of losing a limb, not just losing his competitive golf career.
I don’t have the exact count, but Tiger mentioned the word recovery at least 10 times, if not more, in his 23 minute press conference to begin Masters Week last Tuesday.
Tiger and his team value recovery just as much as his physical training and golf practice. This is how sports have evolved and how your health can evolve as well. He had a recovery plan and he executed it. And it’s not just Tiger. Today, professional athletes spend millions of dollars a year on their recovery and nutrition.
If you have the desire to compete in your chosen sport; if you want to improve your longevity; if you have a health goal, if you want to expedite your recovery from surgery; pain and age are not an excuse. You need to value your recovery just as much as your actual training—if not more. Can you imagine if you had Tiger’s dedication and commitment?
There are many levels of recovery. From flat out taking a day off—a rest day—to ice or heat, foam rolling, stretching, hypervolting or next level such as cryotherapy, compression therapy, and hyperbaric chamber—you need a recovery plan. IT WILL MAKE YOU BETTER.
Check out a few of our latest success stories with Nick, Gary, and Rich. We made a plan and they committed and executed it.
Dr. Gray and Dr. Lattanzi are always here to help you define your recovery plan. Don’t hesitate to call us at 610-341-9300 or email at drgray@restorehlc.com or drlattanzi@restorehlc.com.