Warm your heart for love~ Heart Disease and Infrared Sauna

heart-health (1)Self love. The importance of your heart goes without saying. In the United States, 610,000, or 1 in 4 deaths are due to cardiovascular diseases.  According to the Center for Disease Control, an estimated 75 million people have high blood pressure.  In 2014, high blood pressure was a main or contributing cause of death for more than 410,000 people in the U.S. Exercise, healthy weight, stress management, and adequate sleep are all important factors in managing heart health.  What most people don’t realize is that toxins also contribute to heart disease. Environmental chemicals such as herbicides and pesticides, chemicals hidden in the air we breathe, the food we eat, the products we use and the water we drink are literally poisoning and clogging our hearts. 50% of heart attack victims don’t actually have high cholesterol.  They have poisonous levels of toxins and trans-fatty acids in their systems that are clogging their cardiovascular systems.

The heart health benefits correlated to the use of an infrared sauna are well researched and documented.  The Mayo Clinic has published studies in respected journals Circulation and the Journal of Cardiology demonstrating the safety and therapeutic value of the infrared sauna.  In Japan, where infrared saunas have been main- stream for decades, a 2001 Kagoshima University study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology followed at- risk men undergoing daily sauna sessions for two weeks. This study demonstrated that the infrared sauna improved blood vessel function, increased circulation, significantly lowered blood pressure and blood sugars.  Doctors observed a 68 percent increase in the blood flow of the men’s brachial arteries, as well as “significant” drops in their blood pressures. The doctors concluded that “repeated sauna treatment improves impaired vascular endothelial function… suggesting a therapeutic role for sauna treatment in patients with risk factors for atherosclerosis.”

In North America, a 2005 University of Missouri trial further explored the connection between infrared saunas and lower blood pressure. Here, test subjects sat in Sunlighten-brand saunas thrice weekly for six weeks and experienced an average drop of systolic blood pressure from 130.5 to 124. Almost identical blood pressure improvements appear in a 2010 paper written by Canadian doctor Richard Beever, MD. In his study of type 2 diabetes participants, Dr. Beever found an average decrease in patients’ systolic blood pressure of 124 to 118.

During the sauna, no patients had shortness of breath, chest pain or irregular heartbeat, nor complained of excessive heat. Diastolic blood pressure (the low number) decreased but systolic pressure (the top number) was unchanged. This means they did not get hypertensive, and in fact the work of the heart was lessened. Furthermore, the stroke volume and ejection fraction increased, meaning the heart beat more efficiently with less effort. In regular saunas, arrhythmias increased by 20%.  In the infrared sauna, arrhythmias decreased or disappeared completely. There were no side effects, something that never happens with drugs and surgery.Heart shape in woman's hands. Cardiovascular medicine

Furthermore, the infrared sauna generates a sweat 7x more detoxifying than a traditional sauna.  Sweat Analysis with regular saunas is 97% water and 3% toxins.  With a Sunlighten Infrared Sauna, it’s 80% water and 20% toxins. The infrared sauna is a powerful detoxifier of heavy metals and industrial chemicals. It helps to systemically pull heavy metals and environmental pollutants out of the body at a cellular level. This powerful detoxifier addresses the high levels of heart disease caused by toxins.

How Does The Infrared Sauna Work?

The infrared sauna raises core temperature which helps to normalize the autonomic nervous system.  It induces a deep sweat to make the heart pump faster, which in turn increases blood flow, lowers blood pressure, and helps circulation. Traditional saunas heat the air to around 200 degrees and can make breathing difficult or even cause heat stroke if used improperly.  Additionally, poor air quality can increase susceptibility to cold and flu viruses.  The air is also inundated with allergens increasing asthma and allergy attacks.  This can be a problem for the elderly or ill.

Infrared saunas, however, only need to be heated to a max temperature of 156 degrees and emit only a dry, radiant heat that is the same energy as the sun without the harmful UV rays that damage your skin.  These wavelengths warm from within and penetrate the human tissue deep into the cellular level.  Infrared is safe. These rays are used to warm babies in NICUs. The Infrared kills all bacteria and many airborne germs and fungus.  Many medical devices are sterilized using infrared light.

Infrared saunas have been well researched and proven to be effective at deep, cellular detoxification seven times more effective than a traditional sauna.  The sauna has also proven to reduce blood pressure, improve circulation and heal and repair blood vessels improving overall heart health.  In this month of heart health awareness, consider adding a safe, natural and effective modality to your health regimen.

Questions about the infrared sauna?  Wondering what is the best protocol for you?  Contact Dr. Gray directly at 610-341-9300. She is available to answer your questions and help you to develop protocols that will help you to achieve your health goals.


Center for Disease Control

Kihara, T., et al., 2002, Repeated sauna treatment improves vascular endothelial and cardiac function in patients with chronic heart failure, J Am Coll of Cardiology, 39(March 6):754-759.

Kihara T, Biro S, Ikeda Y, Fukudone T, Shinsato T, Masuda A, et al. Effects of repeated sauna treatment on ventricular arrhythmias in patents with chronic heart failure. Circ J. 2004;68(12):1146–51.

Beever R. Far-infrared saunas for treatment of cardiovascular risk factors: Summary of published evidence. Canadian Family Physician. 2009;55(7):691-696.

Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, and Mercury in Sweat: A Systematic Review. Journal of Environmental and Public Health Volume 2012 .

Margaret E. Sears, Kathleen J. Kerr, Riina I. Bray
These authors are from Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, ON, Canada

Dave Asprey  Bulletprooflabs.com

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