
Major Decrease In Inflammation And Fatigue

Introducing our Client Of The Month, KellyAnn!  Read further to learn how Whole Body Cryotherapy, Infrared Sauna, Lymphatic Compression and Local Cryo helped KellyAnn obtain her best self!  Any questions or curious how our services can help you?  Please contact Dr. Gray at drgray@restorechiropractic.com or 610-341-9300.  We are here to help you!

From KellyAnn…

I started doing cryotherapy in 2018 after a difficult year of two major surgeries. I was tired of being fatigued, feeling bloated, feeling achy and inflamed. I was taking a lot of Ibuprofen and didn’t like how it was destroying my stomach.

I became hooked. I went basically every day and noticed a major decrease in fatigue and inflammation. I felt light and in addition less depressed and anxious.

Restore Cryosauna is amazing. Dr. Gray, Sam, Josh, and countless other employees are extremely friendly, knowledgeable and helpful. I look forward to going every week and seeing their faces and getting to know them on a personal level.

I’ll admit there are days when I am just too tired or now that it’s getting colder out that I don’t want to get in that cold tank, but I always go and am always glad I did.

The benefits are just too important to me; mind over matter. In addition to the cryotherapy, I also enjoy the infrared sauna, lymphatic compression therapy and cryo facials. My skin looks brighter and tighter. I feel healthy, energetic and peaceful.

“In a world with so much uncertainty, I am certain that obtaining my best self is critical and Restore Cryosauna is helping me achieve this.

Give it a try, you won’t regret it”

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